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Maintenance Contract: Legal Guide and Practical Advice

The maintenance contract is a legal instrument commonly used between individuals, governed by the Civil Code, which establishes the obligations of one party (the maintenance debtor) to provide the necessities of life and care to another party (the maintenance creditor).

A maintenance contract provides a legal framework for the parties involved to establish mutual obligations, whether for material, financial, or even moral support.

The maintenance contract template we offer is often used in relationships between family members or close individuals but can also be successfully applied when the parties are not part of the same extended family (e.g., deciding to provide maintenance to a neighbor).


provider and beneficiary
Download template maintenance contract.

What Is A Maintenance Contract?

According to Romanian legislation, a maintenance contract is an agreement where one person, called the maintainer/provider, undertakes to provide the necessary care and support to another person, called the maintainee/beneficiary, for a specific period or for life.

In exchange, the beneficiary transfers a property or a set of properties to the provider. This contract can involve various assets, from real estate (such as apartments or land) to high-value movable goods. By its nature, this type of contract is bilateral and onerous, meaning that both parties have reciprocal rights and obligations.

Maintenance obligations often include:

  • providing food: supplying the necessary sustenance.

  • providing clothing and footwear: purchasing suitable apparel and shoes.

  • providing housing: offering adequate living space and covering associated expenses (utilities, repairs, etc.).

  • medical care: ensuring access to medical services and covering their costs.

  • personal assistance: offering help with daily activities, such as personal hygiene, mobility, or medication administration.

A maintenance contract is typically personal and intuitu personae, meaning it is based on the specific qualities of one or both parties. This implies that obligations cannot be transferred or delegated to others without explicit consent, as the contractual relationship relies on trust in the personal competence, skills, or characteristics of the other party.

Why Do Parties Choose To Conclude A Maintenance Contract?

A maintenance contract offers advantages for both the beneficiary (creditor) and the provider (debtor), although the primary benefits typically favor the beneficiary.

Advantages For The Beneficiary

Material Security And Long-Term Care

The contract provides a stable solution for individuals (often elderly) who lack sufficient financial resources, physical capability, or family support to sustain themselves. In exchange for transferring a property or properties, the maintainee benefits from:

  • basic needs (food, clothing, adequate housing, paid utilities).

  • personal and medical care (assistance with daily activities, access to medical services, medications, treatments, depending on health status).

  • a sense of safety and comfort (consistent support and assurance of basic needs).

Avoiding Inheritance Uncertainties

By transferring ownership during the beneficiary's lifetime, disputes over the transferred property can be avoided. For example, a maintenance contract template could be concluded with a child or grandchild who provides care and will inherit the property independently of other heirs. This solution is practical, especially when the beneficiary has multiple heirs, but only some provide support during their lifetime.

Advantages For The Provider (Debtor)

Acquisition Of Valuable Property

The maintenance contract allows the maintainer to obtain a property or other valuable assets without the need for immediate payment, like it is the case of sale-purchase contracts. In most cases, the value of the transferred property significantly exceeds the periodic maintenance costs.

Guaranteed Property Transfer

Unlike inheritance or other forms of property transfer (e.g., donations with obligations, which can be revoked under certain conditions), a maintenance contract, once authenticated, ensures a quicker and more secure transfer of ownership with guarantees for both parties.

Potential Disadvantages Of A Maintenance Contract

While advantageous, the maintenance contract also involves certain risks or drawbacks:

The Uncertainty Element (Alea)

If concluded for the lifetime of the beneficiary, the contract's duration is uncertain, as it depends on the beneficiary’s lifespan. The maintainer might provide support for longer than anticipated, with the total maintenance costs potentially exceeding the value of the transferred property.

Potential Complex Obligations for the Debtor

Maintenance often requires time, financial resources, and availability. A well-drafted contract must clearly define the scope of maintenance obligations and allow for adjustments based on evolving circumstances.

Potential Tensions

The relationship between the provider and the beneficiary can become strained, particularly in cases of illness or dependency. A professional contract template should address termination scenarios and liability provisions to prevent disputes.

What You Should Know About The Content Of A Maintenance Contract. Consult Legal Counsel.

Form of the Maintenance Contract. Maintenance Contract Template.

Unlike most contracts between private individuals, which are validly concluded without specific formalities through the parties' handwritten signatures alone, a maintenance contract must be executed in authentic form before a notary public. Notarization is a mandatory requirement for the contract's validity.

Why is notarization of the maintenance contract required? This legal safeguard protects the maintenance creditor who frequently transfers ownership of valuable real property in exchange for the promise of receiving necessary care to ensure a decent standard of living.

Debtor's Obligations Under the Maintenance Contract.

As with any contract, the parties have the autonomy to determine the content of their respective obligations and the manner in which maintenance will be provided. Our maintenance contract template includes detailed clauses specifying the maintenance obligations assumed by the debtor, along with clear performance standards for evaluation.

Typically, the maintainer is obligated to provide the maintained person with all necessities of life, such as food, clothing, and housing, as well as medical assistance when required. Furthermore, if stipulated in the contract, the maintainer must also provide moral and emotional support.

Obligations of the Creditor Under the Maintenance Contract.

The maintained person has the obligation to transfer the good(s) stipulated in the contract to the maintainer. The transfer of ownership is usually conditional upon the commencement of the maintenance obligations or a subsequent event, such as the death of the maintained person.

Duration of the Maintenance Contract.

The contract can be concluded for a fixed period or for the entire lifetime of the maintenance creditor. Most maintenance contracts are concluded for the remaining lifetime of the maintenance creditor, especially when the beneficiary is an elderly person or a person with special needs.

You can instantly download a template of a maintenance contract concluded for the remaining lifetime of the beneficiary.

Termination of the Maintenance Contract.

Termination of the contract can occur in case of non-fulfillment of obligations by either party to the maintenance contract.

For example, if the maintenance provider does not provide the agreed maintenance to the necessary standards or repeatedly fails to do so, the beneficiary may have the right to terminate the maintenance contract. Similarly, if the maintained person does not transfer the agreed goods by the agreed deadline, the maintenance provider may request the termination of the maintenance contract.

The Docs & Deeds maintenance contract template contains a dedicated chapter on contract termination, which includes various termination scenarios, including rescission.

Characteristics of the Maintenance Contract Compared to Other Civil Contracts

As a general rule, the maintenance contract is characterized as follows:

  • A solemn contract: By legal requirement, the maintenance contract must be executed in authentic form before a notary public, under penalty of being null and void. This necessitates the involvement of a notary for valid execution.

  • A bilateral contract: The maintenance contract establishes reciprocal obligations for both signatory parties. The debtor is obligated to provide maintenance, while the creditor is obligated to enable the debtor to fulfill these obligations.

  • An onerous contract: Both parties derive benefits from the agreement. The creditor receives maintenance, while the debtor typically receives a good or a sum of money in exchange.

  • An intuitu personae contract: The maintenance contract is concluded in consideration of the personal qualities of the parties involved, possessing a strictly personal and non-transferable nature.

Furthermore, when the contract is concluded for the beneficiary's lifetime, it also exhibits an aleatory character. The precise extent of the maintenance obligations cannot be definitively determined at the outset, as they may become more or less burdensome depending on the timing of the beneficiary's death.

The Maintenance Contract and the Annuity Contract

While both the maintenance contract and the annuity contract involve the transfer of a good in exchange for services or payments during a person's lifetime, they differ fundamentally.

In the maintenance contract, the maintainer's primary obligation consists of providing in-kind services designed to ensure the creditor's actual upkeep. These services encompass necessities such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and personal assistance. This arrangement fosters a closer, ongoing relationship between the parties, with the contract exhibiting a pronounced intuitu personae nature grounded in trust and the maintainer's personal attributes. The duration of these obligations is inherently uncertain, being contingent upon the maintained person's lifespan.

Conversely, in the annuity contract, the annuity debtor's obligation consists of making periodic monetary payments (the annuity) to the annuity creditor throughout their lifetime. Therefore, the prestation is monetary and does not necessarily entail a close personal relationship between the parties. While the annuity contract also possesses an aleatory character, with the payment obligation's duration linked to the annuity creditor's lifespan, the nature of the prestation is distinct, being simpler and more easily quantifiable.

The Maintenance Contract and the Sale-Purchase Contract with a Right of Usufruct

Although both contracts involve the transfer of an asset (most commonly real estate), significant distinctions exist between the maintenance contract and the sale-purchase contract with a right of usufruct, including the following:

In a sale-purchase contract with a right of usufruct, the owner (seller) retains the right to use the asset for the duration of their life, while the buyer acquires ownership but cannot exercise their right of use until the usufructuary's death. The buyer has no obligation to provide maintenance.

Conversely, in a maintenance contract, the debtor has the active obligation to provide maintenance, and the transfer of the asset serves as consideration for this obligation. The transfer of the asset occurs at a time agreed upon by the parties, which may be immediate or deferred until the maintenance beneficiary's death.

Practical Advice for Concluding a Maintenance Contract

Obtain Specialized Legal Counsel

Prior to concluding a maintenance contract, consulting with a lawyer specializing in civil law is crucial. They can provide comprehensive information regarding the contract's implications and assist in drafting appropriate contractual clauses.

Clearly Define the Scope of the Maintenance Contract

When executing any professional contract template, precisely defining the nature and extent of the maintenance obligations is essential. What specific services constitute "maintenance"? This includes considerations such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and personal assistance, among other potential provisions. Clearly specifying these aspects prevents subsequent misinterpretations, particularly given the inherently subjective nature of maintenance obligations, which are contingent upon the beneficiary's specific needs.

We recommend utilizing a professional maintenance contract template to ensure clarity regarding the scope of obligations.

Specify the Terms of Ownership Transfer of the Asset Transferred in Exchange for Maintenance

In most cases, the maintenance contract stipulates that the debtor receives an asset or assets in exchange for the maintenance obligation. The transferred asset, whether real or movable property, must be accurately described within the contract. For example, in the case of real estate, a detailed property description should be included, while for a vehicle, the registration number should be specified.

Correctly Evaluate the Debtor's Capacity to Provide Maintenance

This evaluation should consider both the financial and physical capacity of the potential debtor. It is essential to assess their current income, assets, and any existing financial obligations. Furthermore, it is important to consider their health and physical condition, as the provision of maintenance may require significant physical effort, especially in cases where the beneficiary requires personal care. A thorough evaluation will help determine whether the debtor can realistically fulfill their obligations over the potentially long term of the contract.



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