Generous Lease Alternative: Free Loan for Use Agreement
Updated: May 16, 2024
A template free loan for use agreement efficiently manages the temporary use of a property, be it immovable or movable. A template free loan use agreement for vehicles can also be used quite frequently. The term originates from Latin, where "commodatum" translates to "loan" or "concession." The party granting the use is known as the "lender" while the one benefiting is the "borrower."

This agreement is widely applicable and offers substantial advantages to both parties involved. In this article, we'll delve into three specific scenarios:
Loan for use agreement for a corporate headquarters;
Loan for use agreement for a residential property;
Loan for use agreement for a vehicle.
Firstly, let's explore how a loan for use agreement generally works.
1. What is a template free loan for use agreement?
A free loan for use agreement is a contract where one party, the "lender" provides a good for free use to the other party, the borrower. The borrower commits to returning the item after the agreed term.
Essentially, it's a type of loan. The civil code defines it as a loan of use since its purpose is for the good to be used by the borrower without being consumed. Unlike a standard loan where money is transferred, a loan for use involves the return of the actual item. The borrower does not pay for the benefit received, distinguishing it from a lease agreement where a rent payment is made.
2. Using the template loan for use agreement for a corporate headquarters.
For the registration of an limited liability company (Romanian, SRL) or any other company, shareholders often use a free loan for use agreement to prove ownership or the right to use the business headquarters. Typically, one associate acts as the lender, and the company acts as the borrower, gaining the right to declare its headquarters at the property's address. This agreement is then submitted along with other documents for SRL registration with the Trade Register Office (ONRC).
The advantages include: (i) no obligation for the newly registered company to pay rent, reducing expenses, and (ii) the property owner retains control over the agreement's evolution, making termination or modification easier compared to a lease agreement.
Various organizational forms can utilize such an agreement: LLC, sole proprietorship (PFA), family enterprise (PFI), and other company or legal entities types.
3. Free loan for use agreement template for an apartment
The free loan for use agreement for an apartment template is the cost-free version of a lease agreement. The lender, usually the apartment owner, lends it to a borrower, someone who will temporarily live in it. Typically used between relatives, the parties can specify clauses such as the apartment's purpose, permitted uses, insurance obligations, and visitation schedules for the owner.
A common practice involves landlords using this agreement template to avoid registering the lease with tax authorities, but in reality, they charge rent, which carries fiscal and recovery risks if the tenant refuses payment.
This template agreement allows a vehicle owner to temporarily and freely transfer its use to another person. Conditions can be specified, including purpose of use, the right to travel abroad, insurance obligations, maintenance responsibilities, and the obligation to allow inspections by the owner. It is often used when the owner lends the car to a friend, neighbor, or family member for a limited period.
Other use cases include car sellers allowing potential buyers to test a vehicle before purchase and collaborations between companies where vehicles are made available to facilitate joint activities for a specific period.
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